Tag Archives: Stasi

Bees on the Beeb – this article will self-destruct in nine hours

16 Nov

It’s a Brentford double-header on the BBC today ahead of the game against Crewe Alexandra, with your chance to get involved too.

First up, Herr Rösler is the special guest on this morning’s Football Focus in an interview with Damian Johnson that will go out on the show at mid-day. Uwe talks about his time as a player in East Germany and the Stasi’s attempts to recruit him.

From the brief snippet already available on the BBC website, which you can see here, it promises to be a fascinating article. Likewise, it appears to have been filmed at Uwe’s house, too, so there’s even a chance for you to go all ‘Through the keyhole’, if that’s your particular thing.


Uwe with Damian Johnson – thankfully, Keith Lemming not in attendance

Later today, should you not have BeesPlayer  (or just prefer the ever eloquent Billy Reeves) BBC London have full radio coverage of Brentford’s game. Whilst I’ll be watching it live myself, BBC local radio coverage has been a lifesaver in the past.

Notably when we were stuck in a three-hour tailback on the M11 last season, whilst the Bees were beating Colchester United at home. Initial frustration at missing the game for a family visit turned to relief as we’d got stuck in the radio ‘sweet spot’ that could pick up BBC Essex. As Mrs. Bruzon fumed at the delay in reaching her parent’s house, I sat back and enjoyed full radio commentary on another Brentford win. So do avail yourself of the BBC services – you just never know when you’ll need them.

Or, even, when you’ll be on them. Eagle eyed viewers of Billy’s Twitter feed last night will have seen that he is going to be in the vicinity of the Griffin Pub in the early afternoon. Its your chance to give your thoughts to the BBC on Brentford and anything else he may choose to ask you about.

1.20 is the designated time. See you there !


From Bees and books to BT.

12 Nov

This Thursday, 14th November, sees a Brentford double header.

First up, Uwe will be in the club shop from 6pm to meet fans and sign copies of his autobiography. There can’t be too many Bees supporters who don’t know, at the least, the initial facts about his life but it really promises to be a fascinating read.

To read the rest of this article, season 2013/14 is now available to download onto Kindle, in full. Containing previously unseen content, you can do so here for less than the cost of one matchday programme.

 Thanks for reading over the course of the campaign. For now I need to make space on this page for any follow up.  The ‘close season’ / World Cup columns continue in full, further on in this site.