Tag Archives: Forfar Athletic

Forget KLM, Top Man, JVC. Dave Gorman gets to the point

23 Sep

It’s all a bit quiet on the Brentford front this week and, frankly, after the mauling at Middlesbrough that suits me just fine. A chance for everyone to take stock and put the wheels back on ahead of Leeds United visiting Griffin Park on Saturday.

There’s no JPT action tonight (fortunately) and so if that’s your bag then I’m sure there’ll be commentary on Newport v Swindon somewhere. Likewise, (not so fortunately after we gifted Fulham their only positive result of an otherwise hilarious season) there’s no Capital One Cup.

That said for those still watching in that one, the highlights would seem to be Will Grigg getting the chance to test his shooting boots against Bradford – a tougher task than previous opponents Manchester United – and Middlesbrough hoping to prove that Saturday was no fluke with a visit to Liverpool.

So I hadn’t really planned on writing anything today, keeping the powder dry for Leeds at the weekend. Then I saw a tweet published by Billy Reeves. Specifically in regards to comedian Dave Gorman.

I’m very much a fan of the lumberjack shirt sporting, powerpoint wielding comedian whose new book ‘Too much information’ is out now. And I guess, theoretically, that makes him (unsubtle plug time) a label mate of yours truly on Amazon.

However, the proper point being that Billy shared an extract of this new work yesterday that really, to me summarised, exactly what it means to be a football supporter.

You can have your variations on stripes and sashes, but there are certain things that make a kit iconic. Those details that, every once in a while, transcend even the team colours themselves to be universally associated with a team

Move over KLM, Top Man, JVC and Ramsay Ladders. This, for me, nails it.

And Mr. Gorman says it so much better than I could ever try to.

The test of a real football fan (or just a kit nerd)

The test of a real football fan (or just a kit nerd)

Possibly the only thing ,lumberjack shirt aside, in common with Dave Gorman

Possibly the only thing in common with Dave Gorman