Tag Archives: Family Day

The Championship has begun. But how was it?

10 Aug

Brentford kicked off their Championship campaign with a draw at home to Charlton Athletic yesterday and then had the added bonus of finishing clear of Fulham (who were beaten by Ipswich Town).

The final 1-1 score doesn’t even tell half the story. The Bees, who dominated vast swathes of the first half, were probably fortunate to come away with a draw by the end. With Charlton already 1-0 up, Callum Harriott somehow conspired to hit the crossbar when clear of David Button and with the net gaping.

If you don’t take your chances then you’ll pay the price. Sure enough, Tommy Smith popped up with six minutes left to send Griffin Park delirious.

To read the rest of this article, season 2014/15 is now available to download onto Kindle (and other electronic reading device) in full. Containing additional material and even some (poor) editing, you can get it here for less than the cost of a Griffin Park matchday programme or Balti Pie.

 Thanks for reading and all your comments over the course of the season. For now, I need to make more space on the site for any follow up. However, ‘close season’ will continue in full, further along.

Stand by for action. The Championship is finally here !!

9 Aug

This is it, Brentford. Today’s visit of Charlton Athletic finally offers the chance of some catharsis as all those years of ‘coming so close’ since 92/93 (not to mention a couple of relegations) can finally be put to one side.

After falling foul of League restructuring and missing out to Birmingham City in 94/95 – followed by our now standard play-off capitulation.

After the dire play off final of 96/97 agasint Crewe Alexandra at Wembley.

To read the rest of this article, season 2014/15 is now available to download onto Kindle (and other electronic reading device) in full. Containing additional material and even some (poor) editing, you can get it here for less than the cost of a Griffin Park matchday programme or Balti Pie.

 Thanks for reading and all your comments over the course of the season. For now, I need to make more space on the site for any follow up. However, ‘close season’ will continue in full, further along.

Who will start as a double transfer swoop actually happens?

8 Aug

The link between Hull City and Brentford was one I talked about a lot last season. However, with the visit of Charlton Athletic for the Championship opener only 24 hours away it has just became even stronger.

They were lining up to be photographed with the official Brentford signing shirt yesterday as the news was announced that both Tommy Smith (who had been on trial with the Bees for sometime) and Nick Proschwitz from Hull (not so widely predicted) have joined. These much-welcomed signings mean competition up front, where Andre Gray and Scott Hogan were in pole position, has suddenly become very fierce.

To read the rest of this article, season 2014/15 is now available to download onto Kindle (and other electronic reading device) in full. Containing additional material and even some (poor) editing, you can get it here for less than the cost of a Griffin Park matchday programme or Balti Pie.

 Thanks for reading and all your comments over the course of the season. For now, I need to make more space on the site for any follow up. However, ‘close season’ will continue in full, further along.

We’ve been here before – the top ten of our last Championship campaign

7 Aug

With Charlton Athletic due to visit Brentford on Saturday in our Championship opener I made a somewhat outlandish claim in yesterday’s column as to where I think we’d finish the season. I stand by that and I’d hope history repeats to help this happen – the last time The Bees entertained Charlton at this level saw a 2-0 win for us back on Nov 7th 1992.

That said, I hope there aren’t too many more similarities between the forthcoming campaign and that one, given 1992/93 saw us return to League One (as is) after a solitary season. At times the season was exciting; at others, it offered nothing but the bitterest frustration.

Regular correspondent Bernard Quackenbush asked for ‘my memories’ of this and, whilst somewhat hazy, it did get me thinking. So here are the top five highs and lows from the last time we tried try our luck in English football’s second tier.

The lows:

5: Dean Holdsworth. If Wigan Athletic fans are wondering why Brentford supporters are so upset about the Adam Forshaw talk, this is why.

To read the rest of this article, season 2014/15 is now available to download onto Kindle (and other electronic reading device) in full. Containing additional material and even some (poor) editing, you can get it here for less than the cost of a Griffin Park matchday programme or Balti Pie.

 Thanks for reading and all your comments over the course of the season. For now, I need to make more space on the site for any follow up. However, ‘close season’ will continue in full, further along.

Premiership, we’re coming for you (and this time it’ll be different)

6 Aug

Wednesday morning and I feel like a kid at Christmas. The Adam Forshaw to Wigan Athletic story has got in the way of what should be the most exciting week in the last 21 years as Brentford prepare to rejoin the Championship. So I’m done with that (Wigan, I mean) – we’ll let the story play out one way or another and, instead, start to focus on the weekend when it all kicks off again with the visit of Charlton Athletic.

Football always has been my game, no question. I love rugby and cricket but this has it all. And as much because of all the chatter, the banter, the build up, the speculation and the anticipation. We have a week of preparing for that moment when everything comes to a head and Buzzette leads the teams out to the pitch.

To read the rest of this article, season 2014/15 is now available to download onto Kindle (and other electronic reading device) in full. Containing additional material and even some (poor) editing, you can get it here for less than the cost of a Griffin Park matchday programme or Balti Pie.

 Thanks for reading and all your comments over the course of the season. For now, I need to make more space on the site for any follow up. However, ‘close season’ will continue in full, further along.

Cliff and Mark hit back at Wigan as the new striker clue is translated

5 Aug

With the Adam Forshaw – Wigan Athletic rumours still rife yesterday, the top brass at Brentford turned to social media to hit back. Whilst the club site led with ‘official news’ such as player interviews and ticket updates, Twitter was very much the place to be as Chairman Cliff Crown, chief Executive Mark Devlin and Club owner Matthew Benham all added their own voices to the current transfer stories that have been doing the rounds.

Cliff was the first to jump, responding directly to a ‘Last Word’ piece looking at the current Forshaw situation. He noted that, “Its yet another example of a playing field that isn’t level! Wigan have EPL parachute payments to help fund moves like this!

This wasn’t all, though. When asked that the club stand firm over this one, Cliff continued in positive form. “We will- the only thing I can promise you is that we will do everything we can to keep him

To read the rest of this article, season 2014/15 is now available to download onto Kindle (and other electronic reading device) in full. Containing additional material and even some (poor) editing, you can get it here for less than the cost of a Griffin Park matchday programme or Balti Pie.

 Thanks for reading and all your comments over the course of the season. For now, I need to make more space on the site for any follow up. However, ‘close season’ will continue in full, further along.

The latest twist in the Wigan Athletic – Adam Forshaw saga.

4 Aug

There hasn’t, generally, been huge history between Brentford and Wigan Athletic. Until recently, we’ve bumbled around the lower leagues together, neither side particularly troubling (or bothered about) the other.

The Latics were, of course, responsible for kickstarting Brentford’s run of defeats at the national stadium with their 1985 Freight Rover Trophy win. Their handball inspired victory has set in motion more pain than I could care to imagine as defeat after defeat followed in whichever final we have participated in.

That aside, and largely due to Wigan’s Dave Whelan funded rise to the Premiership, our clubs have had little to do with each other. That was until late last year when his team, now back in the Championship, came in under cover of the Lionel Road climax for Bees boss Uwe Rösler.

To read the rest of this article, season 2014/15 is now available to download onto Kindle (and other electronic reading device) in full. Containing additional material and even some (poor) editing, you can get it here for less than the cost of a Griffin Park matchday programme or Balti Pie.

 Thanks for reading and all your comments over the course of the season. For now, I need to make more space on the site for any follow up. However, ‘close season’ will continue in full, further along.

The 3 key questions after Bees beat Crystal Palace and Wigan Athletic come sniffing.

3 Aug

Brentford rounded off pre-season with a 3-2 win over Crystal Palace. The highlight clearly our winning goal as Moses parted the Palace defence like the Red (or should that be Yellow) Sea? The lowlight being a no-show from Adam Forshaw after Wigan Athletic had made another “unsettling” bid for the League One player of the year.

Three key questions come out of Saturday for me.

Adam Forshaw. Whilst its probably not right we start here, given the overall team performance, it is the ‘hot topic’. So just how worried should we be by Wigan’s approach?

To read the rest of this article, season 2014/15 is now available to download onto Kindle (and other electronic reading device) in full. Containing additional material and even some (poor) editing, you can get it here for less than the cost of a Griffin Park matchday programme or Balti Pie.

 Thanks for reading and all your comments over the course of the season. For now, I need to make more space on the site for any follow up. However, ‘close season’ will continue in full, further along.

Forget Clifton. Brentford – Crystal Palace is a friendly that offers Moore

1 Aug

With Brentford due to entertain Premiership side Crystal Palace on Saturday in our last warm up for life in the Championship, it does beg that perennial question about friendlies – What is the point?

This is where the distinct difference between games at International and club level becomes more apparent (and I don’t mean in terms of player quality, with England’s World Cup showing making them very much the poor relations on that front).

I’ve long ranted about these – certainly when it comes to England. Despite looking and sounding like the real thing, they suffer from a total lack of punch. The footballing equivalent of alcohol-free beer or any James Bond film that doesn’t star Roger Moore.

Plus, internationally, you have the added pain of Bernie Clifton and his alleged supporter’s band…

To read the rest of this article, season 2014/15 is now available to download onto Kindle (and other electronic reading device) in full. Containing additional material and even some (poor) editing, you can get it here for less than the cost of a Griffin Park matchday programme or Balti Pie.

 Thanks for reading and all your comments over the course of the season. For now, I need to make more space on the site for any follow up. However, ‘close season’ will continue in full, further along.

Could this be the new Best Worst Film Ever?

31 Jul

Sometimes there is more to life than Brentford and football. Every now and again you need to step back, put the Wigan Athletic / Adam Forshaw stories to one side and enjoy the other things that life has to offer. The Championship – and resuming rivalries with the likes of Wolves and Fulham – may be a mere nine days away but on Thursday, for one night only, football will be the last thing on my mind.

The time: 9pm.

The place: Syfy Channel (sky 114).

The reason: Sharknado 2: The Second One

This is (of course) the sequel to Sharknado – a movie universally acclaimed to be the ‘best worst film ever’. Starring Ian Ziering (out of Beverly Hills 90210, apparently) it told the story of what happened when freak storms swamped Los Angeles with thousands of hungry sharks.

This time the action is transplanted to New York where, somehow, the improbable events of the original are recreated and – if the review in today’s Telegraph is to be believed – become even bigger.

This film really exists - and you can see it tonight

This film really exists – and you can see it tonight

I love football and I’m desperate to see Brentford in action. However, this evening I’ll be ditching the Bees and Wolves to enjoy the calm before the Championship storm with the mayhem and bad acting of a shark infested one.

Normal service will be resumed tomorrow.


And if you want to read about football, you can still catch up on how we reached the Championship. ‘Celebrating like they’d won the FA Cup…..’ (The story of Brentford’s 2013/14 promotion campaign, amongst other football related chatter) – is now available as a digital book. Featuring the best of the not so bad columns from last season, and some new content, you can download it here for your kindle / digital device.

You could always swap the sharks to read how the Bees got promoted

You could always swap the sharks to read how the Bees got promoted