Tag Archives: Olympic

Tin foil ready? Potato skins ready? A shot at FA Cup glory awaits….

7 Jan

Finally. The FA Cup third round is here. Brentford host Eastleigh on Saturday afternoon boosted by West Ham suffering a home humping at the hands of Manchester City last night. With the hapless Hammers going down in a game that very much threatened brackets at one stage – City having to settle for 5 rather than 7(seven) – their cup campaign is over. Which, as the principal suitors for goal machine Scott Hogan, can only be good news for the Bees – at least, in the short term.

That’s of no concern to Dean Smith. He has already told BBC Radio London that “If Scott Hogan is fit to play then naturally he will be in the team… If he is not then I won’t risk him. That is not because of any potential move away.”

There you go. Convinced? That said, I do wonder how much last night’s result from the West Ham Olympic stadium may have helped his fitness?

The one thing Dean can’t do, whomever he picks, is underestimate Eastleigh. The non-leaguers represent a huge potato skin for the Bees to slip up on. Putting the Martin Allen factor to one side, let’s not forget how they held Bolton in last year’s third round. Only an 87th minute equaliser from former Bee Darren Pratley sparing the (then) Championship side’s blushes. Even then, they still ran them close in the replay – taking the lead and later levelling things up before Pratley, again, popped up with the decisive goal in five.

Chuck in our own capitulation to Walsall the same weekend and only a fool would take the third round for granted.  Ours and Eastleigh’s were certainly picked out as ties that told the story of the round (the Spitfires even having a quagmire – sorry, pitch- inspection live on Football Focus). Yet as the minnows covered themselves in glory, for the Bees it was a case of wanting to slink away after being dumped out on a woeful afternoon.


Young Bees and Eastleigh fans tell the story of last year’s 3rd round on the BBC (trophy friends?)

Dean has also spoken of that defeat this week, saying how “It was horrible for me because I wanted to play a full strength team but it was followed immediately by games against two teams (Middlesbrough and Burnley) who went on to get promoted.”.

Whilst hindsight is a wonderful thing, it was a strategy that saw the Bees lose both games anyway. 0-1 to our, so called, bogey team and then 1-3 to Burnley. The latter, in particular, featuring as one-sided a first half as you could fear to see before the Bees were able to make a fight of it at 0-3 down

But with a 9 day break unto our next game, at home to Newcastle United, Dean doesn’t have that issue this time around. So will he go full strength or make some changes?

I’d still expect the latter. I’d still expect Brentford to win. And if the likes of Alan McCormack, KK ,Sam Saunders or even (oh, please) Jota are included than that’s as much a case of picking hungry players with more than a point to prove and more than the ability to perform.

I said it yesterday and I’ll say it again. With tickets available on the day and starting from just £10 for adults where else are you gong to go? Ikea? Westfield? The mother-in-law’s?

Surely it can only be Griffin Park?

See you there.  But not before doing a bit of work with some glue, a roll of tin foil and the pizza box from the XXL I was forced to order last night given the lack of cardboard in our house.

The sacrifices you make for a shot at FA Cup glory….


The FA Cup smelling of pizza will be ours

Nick Bruzon

What lessons can we learn from West Ham and Bournemouth ?

23 Aug

Saturday can’t come soon enough. Brentford have a home game with Sheffield Wednesday and already it seems like an eternity since that 1-0 defeat on the road at the weekend. There was little to update fans with yesterday  – no surprise being a Monday – and we aren’t involved in League Cup action this week following the capitulation against Exeter City. Fortunately, a video has started doing the rounds from the West Ham v Bournemouth game on Sunday to keep us entertained.

Bournemouth are, to some , the romantic team who punched against the big guns to surprise all comers during their first Premier League campaign last season. To others, the side who overspent well beyond their means as they got promoted from the Championship in 2014/15 at the expense of Brentford and the rest. Whilst we may have ended up on the moral high ground, along with a fine Mark Warburton inspired 3-1 victory under our belts last year (Feb 2015), they are the ones who embarked on that huge TOTL (top of the league) run before eventual success.

Cow chaos bourenmouth brentford

I do miss our games with Bournemouth

As for West Ham, you may not have realised this but apparently they moved stadium over the summer. If only somebody had mentioned it. Just once, to give us a clue that a move was imminent.

Ironically, despite all the planning, it seems their new home is still not ready. Certainly, if the photos doing the rounds on Sunday are anything to go by where it seems season ticket holders turned up to find their seat had no actual, erm, seat.

This, of course, is already old news. Such is the speed at which the Internet moves that the picture has already had close to three and half thousand shares on Twitter. Fairplay to West Ham supporter ‘Paul’ who wouldn’t give The Sun permission to use it, instead allowing his club the chance to respond first.

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It has been a time of huge celebration for West Ham. We’ve already had the first friendly in their new stadium, the first European game there and the first Premier league game/goal/win. No doubt we’ve still got the first league game under lights and the first  FA Cup game to come.

I can only imagine the latter will be a huge occasion given as, seemingly, they won the competition back in 1980.  Like their new home and 1966 World Cup triumph, something else that never gets mentioned in journalistic circles. For all you pub quiz fas out there, Trevor Brooking grabbed the winner I believe. Store that one away – it’ll come in handy.

Personally, I’m looking forward to the first game when their new stadium isn’t mentioned. Experts predict that could come as soon as February 2017. In the short term, the media love in with the Hammers continues. Sunday sees their third Premier League game in a row televised.

But it was the weekend encounter with Bournemouth (now BOTL), West Ham’s first televised league game at 4pm on a Sunday afternoon against a team whose name begins with B in their new Stadium, that provides the pick of the action.

Only 792 people have seen this, at the time of writing, but there’s no place to hide in a modern stadium. TV cameras everywhere and moreso in a televised game. As this Bournemouth fan discovered…

A Bournemouth supporter caught green handed

From all this, let’s hope Brentford learn at least two lessons for Lionel Road.

Given the amount of work already poured  into the design I can’t for one second imagine we’ll face similar issues. Yet, if nothing else,  it does make you realise that even the most basic elements can, sometimes, be overlooked.

Whilst adequate seating is a priority, let’s not forget about the catering either.

Lionel Road

Lionel Road. Let’s get the seats and food right

Nick Bruzon

Chuckles and points on offer after a two minute fantasy with Rachel.

20 Aug

Another Saturday, another game. For most teams. With Brentford travelling to Rotherham United today and looking to the top of the table, Manchester United, Southampton and Sky have already disrupted things for supporters with the return of Friday night football to our TV screens. More on that later but first, the Rotherham game.

Like Wolves, The Millers are a team that Brentford have gone neck and neck with over the last few seasons. Coming up with the Bees from League One, albeit via something called a play-off victory (I read the words, but I fail to truly grasp the concept) the Millers also begin their third successive season of Championship life.

To read the rest of this article, season 2016/17 is now available for download on e-book in the retrospective: Welcome Home, King Jota (Brentford FC season review 2016/17)
Priced at just £1.99, all sales are being donated to the Brentford FC Community Sports Trust.

Likewise any sales from the previous titles – Celebrating like they’d won the FA Cup (2013/14), Tales from the football village (2014/15) and Ready. Steady. Go Again. (2015/16) – are also now going to the BFCCST.

Containing the least bad of the blogs from May 16 to May 17, you can pick it up, here. Its all for a great cause and,hey, you may even enjoy it…..

Steve evans

Steve Evans – much missed. For now.


Alan Judge corner Rotherham

View from the Braemar : Alan Judge did it all against Rotherham last season


Chuckle brothers Brentford

The new look Chuckle Brothers line up was very short lived

Nick Bruzon

Lasse, come home ! You’re going to look anything but a dog’s dinner.

18 Jul

Lorks”. Not my words but amongst those uttered by BBC Billy Reeves upon hearing the news that Brentford striker Lasse Vibe has been selected to represent Denmark in the forthcoming Rio Olympic games. Elsewhere, with all the gossip suggesting David Button could be on the move to Fulham (please, no) the Bees already know we could be lining up against a former goalkeeper this season. And there’s a further update on the new kit (those of a sensitive disposition may want to look away).

First up, Lasse Vibe. Wow. What an honour. The Olympics. Surely, selection for the games is at the very pinnacle of sporting achievement? The ultimate reward for dedication to a lifetime of training, clean living and hard work. Unless you are from Russia.

Seriously though, when the news broke today – published by Lasse on twitter and Instantgram – my first reaction was, like Billy, just one of immense pride and congratulations. Equally, one of torn emotions.

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Of course, the head will be hoping that the team of Great Britain & Northern Ireland (plus Channel Islands and other crown dependencies) sweep aside all before them but the thought of an Olympic gold medal at Griffin Park does have a certain resonance. And besides, Great Britain & NI won’t be participating in football this time around so Denmark can happily have that one.

The downside of this wonderful news is, of course, it means that Lasse will miss the start of the domestic season. With the Olympic final not taking place until 20 August, that could potentially rule him out of our first four Championship games. Who will support Scott Hogan up top? Would Scott and Lasse have started together anyway? Could this leave us short?

Whilst I’m sure Dean Smith will be thinking, “Lasse, come home” it would take the most churlish of supporters to wish him anything but the best and hope he returns with a gold medal in the back pocket.

And should Lasse make the final then it will take place on the same day Brentford travel to Rotherham (Rio or Rotherham, hmmmm). There, we could get the chance to test our shooting boots against none other than Lewis Price. The BBC report that he has signed a two year deal with the Millers. Here’s hoping that’s the last we hear about former Griffin Park goalkeepers being on the move.

The other news is that of our new kit. Specifically, and I apologise for flagrant self-promotion (which does feel a tad narcissistic ), given yours truly’s role in today’s latest ‘teaser campaign’.

Whilst most of us have seen various shots / perceived recreations of the new shirt doing the rounds of social media, I was fortunate enough to recently spend a morning at Griffin Park where, amongst other things, several supporters were given an early look at our new kit. And, I have to say, I love it.

Far be it from me to ruin any further launch surprise, beyond saying this : In my opinion, for what it’s worth, its our best home shirt in years – bold, distinct and with a bit of a retro vibe. I will be buying one. And, to be clear, I’m not on commission or the payroll.

Being equally honest, I can fully understand people’s reticence not to pre-order based on the teaser shots and the words of this kit nerd. Let’s just hope that when we finally get to see it in full, people like it as much as (personally) I think it deserves.

One fan’s ‘best ever’ is another’s ‘nightmare’. Who could forget the ‘prototype’ with the smudgy stripes that got booed all the way around Griffin park at the end of one season back in the 90s.

If we all liked the same things then life would be a very boring indeed? This time around though, I think we may end up very happy.

Nick Bruzon

My big, fat, (temporary) Gypsy wedding

3 Jan

“I support Brentford AND West Ham/Liverpool/Chelsea” (delete as applicable).

I don’t, of course. It’s a statement for illustrative purposes only. However, there are some fans who have as much interest in events at, for example, Upton Park or Anfield as they do in those at Griffin Park.

Good luck to them, if so. Personally, I struggle with the concept of also following a Premiership team. Largely, because I have too much pain/pleasure invested in supporting the Bees, without chucking West Ham or whomever else into the mix. Lionel Road is enough for me without having to worry about the Olympic park, too.

Then there’s the prospect of what happens should we be thrown together by the vagaries of a cup draw? This is a lose-lose scenario for ‘Johnny two clubs’. Go for the safety first option of the higher division team and it is a case of ditching cup romance whilst, at the same time, humiliation should they slip up on the proverbial potato skin.

To read the rest of this article, season 2013/14 is now available to download onto Kindle, in full. Containing previously unseen content, you can do so here for less than the cost of one matchday programme.

 Thanks for reading over the course of the campaign. For now I need to make space on this page for any follow up.  The ‘close season’ / World Cup columns continue in full, further on in this site.